Saturday, March 20, 2010

Painting outside, soaking up the sun

We wrapped up a long week of cloudy days with some outside painting...we never noticed the dreary days inside the studio, but when the sun came out we sure noticed that!
The pottery wheel was probably the most favorite thing learned the kids learned this week. I think we all got messy enough and learned that the wheel is something to keep trying and trying on...We are all beginning....again and again. The kids were great, and spending 5 consecutive days together is something that doesn't happen all the time at Art Life, so doing it was special and everyone seemed to settle in like "home" in the studio. I especially loved eating lunch together, telling stories about past art projects at school and how many times the kids reassured themselves "it's ok to get messy in art class" as I told them...I WANT you to get messy here. Thanks to all the students and parents who trusted their spring break with me here at the studio.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Earth has Tilted

The earth is tilting just a little bit more in the sunshine. We are experiencing warmer temperatures, better moods, and an outdoor sense of wonder. I talked with my kids the other day about bugs, swimming, and the buttercups that we should be seeing soon. It seems like a million years ago. I posted my summer camp schedule, which makes me feel warm just thinking about it. We will Paint Big, have lunch under the sycamore, and create a community through creating together. It is amazing how the sun shining on your face will make you feel like your whole world has tilted a little bit, to the brighter side. Check out my summer camp page - your kids will love to attend!

Monday, March 1, 2010

It seems to be getting a little old (I mean cold)

It's the's the "I don't want to get out of this warm bed" cold type of cold. It's the I don't know why I don't feel like doing anything type of cold. It's the, let's face it, we are uninspired part of winter. We are challenged when we are not inspired. Inspiration is not always there for ALL of us, artists, mothers, and professionals alike. I think we do each other and ourselves a disservice to believe that some people are inspired and some are not. Some people are artists and some are not. Every one who makes things must find inspiration. Everyone who makes things lacks inspiration at times. Just ask a teacher or a mom who has to write the next lesson plan or cook the next week's worth of meals. It's hard to be inspired all the time. It's not natural.

But when inspiration strikes...It's Murphy's law that I don't have a pen, or a sketch book, or I just can't describe it either way. Then the feeling is gone. BUT, the feeling was there. Even if I didn't get an art piece out of it, I got the confirmation once again, that I am an artist. Those feelings and artistic thoughts-the sheer fact that I had them-makes me an artist. Makes me want to continue on the creative path. Even if the well is dry today...tomorrow is a new day

It's going to be a good one.