I put some new lights on the steps to the studio. They were a gift. That makes them all the brighter. I appreciate that someone I care about cares about me. She said "these steps are too dark at night" I have something for you. I let her give them to me and that gift inspired me to also pot some plants and sweep the steps.
I think the light that comes along with receiving is just as important as giving. With the weather events in Nashville in the last week hundreds of people have been forced into a position to receive. No other choice other than... "help me!" In normal circumstances it is sometimes challenging to be in a place of surrender. But during crisis, it is the relying on others that confirms our faith in community. These times make the character of our community visable. The way we serve, we show who we are. Each day that we show up, turn off the water to conserve, make a donation, watch someone's kids, or cook a few meals.
Serving can be simple, take your place in your community....however that looks for you. Don't overthink it, just make one motion in the direction of helping a neighbor.