Saturday, May 19, 2012

dusty books and handmade objects.

I have cleaned house.  I have brought out the old, not used, the not loved, the guilty items (hanging on because so and so gave it to me) and the without a place items.  I am having a garage sale. 
This lesson is so freeing for my children.  Don't hold onto things too tightly.  You don't play with it anymore.  You don't really need it.  Someone else can have joy in it.  Let it go.  Powerful, it's powerful to be unattached to stuff.  You can travel light and be - just be. 
What about the art?  What about some of these things that are just worn out...i am tired of seeing again and again in the studio.  They no longer give back.  I think they would serve someone else somehow.  With the art....the's a little more difficult to let it sit between the barbeque set and the dusty books.  For sale with a bright orange $3 sticker.  Placed up for sale with the other oddballs.  It is no longer sitting in the studio with a classy price tag and correct lighting.  I actually plan to give it away today if it doesn't sell for $3.   There is more merit in that anyway.  Giving away, surrendering the out so we can welcome more in.  I welcome it all in.