Friday, December 24, 2010

Wonder - Christmas 2010

It's a magical time of year. I am very fond of mystery. I am fond of things that just don't quite make sense, things you just have to believe Santa Claus. My kids are 4 and 5 and the Santa thing is really really bringing up a lot of questions. I wonder if they see the conflict in what we tell them. Conflict in the chimney thing, or all the presents in one night thing? I just know there are a lot of questions. It is all very confusing. OR is it mysterious? I guess it's how you look at it.
I don't think young children question mystery, they just ask questions and then fit those answers into their version in their imagination. They create it, then they extend the creation. They add to the creation and take away; so it fits just right. It's a lot like making a sculpture or painting a painting...add, take away, flow with it: and whatever you do don't stop and think too much, just accept the mystery. Mystery is magical. Without it life is plaqued with logic and absolutes. Without it, there is nothing to look forward to. Without mystery the world would have no new books, no new works of art, no future music, no spontaneous adventures. Without mystery, we would know everything....what kind of world would that be? When you believe you don't have to figure it all out, you only have to do one thing, believe.
So I challenge you to think like a child, act like a child, feel the wonder tonight...feel the possibility that just might include newness and the beginning of something within you and within this world. Merry Christmas. May mystery and wonder be your guide as you celebrate together.

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