Monday, January 9, 2012

Collage College

Lucy's 4th Birthday Party
Art Life is really a special place for birthday parties.  One of the things I love about it is we get to make some really BIG messes....but it's not the kind of mess that comes with loud bangs, and high pitched screams, and kids making messes just to see the kind of face the grown up might have when they see it.  It's a real mess, the kind where you are so involved with what you are doing that you don't realize that an entire plate of glue has just dropped on the floor...or confetti is stuck to your cheek.  In fact, one of the things that children often do is sort of get upset if they make a mess, thinking I might get upset.  It's not often you hear an adult say....don't worry about the table....the more paint on it the better. 
I don't say that to challenge the average parent who says..."keep it clean"  I tell my kids that in our main house, it's just that an art studio doesn't follow those rules.  An art studio says....don't worry about the results....just create.  I titled this post "collage college" because of the collage work I did in the studio this weekend with a great group of kids.   I also had my first discussion about what college is all about with my 6 yr old.  He wanted to talk about when "he goes to college"  The things I have told him about college (on a 6 yr old level) are things that only college can teach you...1) you have to show up to make it 2) things won't get done unless you do them ( i.e. the laundry) 3) you are free to make the experience what you want it to be, a good one or a miserable one.
College is kind of like working with the confusing medium of collage.  So many choices, you better decide quick, look at your neighbor to see what they like, think fast!  I literally put about an acre of raw random materials on the table for the parents and kids....and they DUG IN!  As any 4 year old would do...if it's's mine!  I appreciate the unbridled zest they have for experimentation with art materials.  It's easy for a 4 yr old to show up, do it so it will get done, and to create an experience of freedom in the art materials as only the little ones can. 
Granted it was supposed to sort of look like this when it was done....and resemble a dog.
or this
but most of them looked like one big "piece of glitter-beaded-pom-pom-mosaic-collage"
no more dog.
Just as they wanted it, because that's what being 4 is all about.
Happy Birthday Lucy.

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