Wednesday, August 11, 2010

dancing like a crane

The yoga teacher tonight made me feel more comfortable about my crane pose when she suggested "our crane's might be moving and swaying because they are looking for fish in the water. "When you tap your toes down on the ground to keep your balance it's really just a curious playful crane...looking at what is in the rippling water underneath him." I really don't do yoga that much, but tonight I needed some stretching and relaxation, I didn't know I would be so transformed as to become a fowl. As I hoisted my arms up like crane wings and lifted my crane beak (AKA my right toe) I did feel like a bird. I liked the way she told us to dance with our leg, not give into the loss of balance, but see it as intentional movement. She told us that it's ok to explore what still felt like, what off balance felt like, what catching yourself from being off balance felt like, and what dancing like a crane felt like. It's ok to play. It's ok to act silly. It's ok to wonder.
"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives" Albert Einstein Albert Einstein suggests that kids do it naturally. He also suggests that we can occupy that sphere of activity if we choose. If we seek the arts this will happen naturally. We can say..."I will honestly seek a creative beautiful medium today" It may be music, cooking, painting, drawing, or setting up a beautiful garden. These things are truthful, they are honest. This is because there is no need to judge something like that. There is no ego, just simply simply wonderful...a moment full of wonder. I think my pursuit toward being an artist has always involved my pursuit of truth and beauty. As I have gotten a little wiser I have stopped judging myself so much. I know that the art I make in this moment this day, is representative of me, right now....honest....and searching out beauty. What can you say was beautiful today? Seek it, and you will see it. It's everywhere.


Unknown said...

great piece juli. you speak a lot of truth here.


Unknown said...

great piece juli. a lot of truth to your words.