Saturday, April 25, 2009

Painting with Glitter and Pom Poms

My experience with creating an art project with my 4 1/2 year old neice was just wonderful today. I have 2 boys and they can sit sill for a maximum of like 5 minutes right now. They like the idea of doing art and doing a project together, but like a pinball - they gotta go! So, when I sat down with my neice today to decorate a treasure box I was refreshed with her ever so girly and every so glittery choices. She wanted pink and purple and pom poms and feathers. I was totally into each choice as we moved around the outside of this box tranforming it from a stiff kraft paper surface to one that is shiny and fluffy. Thank you my little niece. You have just placed the feminine back into my very puffed up, pirate, bad-guy, buggy, race car, milk- spitting little boy world! I love you.

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